NAS Backup Solutions


PrimoGulf has the perfect team of IT professionals who are expert in the NAS based backup solution.

They’ll setup recovery system based upon your demands. Our Network Attached Storage a.k.a. NAS are offered on hardware of various vendors/manufacturer. You can adjust the storage of a NAS based upon your data needs and the price for such a hardware is so low that you’ll not be bothered by the price tag at least as far as the storage capacity is concerned for such devices.

One of our solutions for NAS based backup is that we can transfer your backup data from your NAS server into an external hardware drive. This makes your data portable and hence can be transferred from one place to another which otherwise would seem to be impossible with a NAS backup storage device.

There are many other solutions that we can offer to our clients on a very cost effective basis in the category of NAS backup solution small business. All you have to do is contact Primogulf and our team of IT professionals will make sure that you get the best possible solutions setup at your workplace.